506-463-8144 info@theridgechurch.ca
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COVID-19 Information

Last Updated: March 8, 2021

However, we want to operate with caution and wisdom throughout this process. Please keep these things in mind: 


  • There will be two opportunities to attend church each week – Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00am.  The 11am service will also be livestreamed.
  • Each service will have a maximum capacity of 80. 


  •  In keeping in step with health and safety recommendations, no coffee or tea will be available (you can bring your own, though!)
  •  There will be no mingling in the lobby before or after service, and we will try to maintain a ‘touch-free’ facility (avoid handshakes, hugs, and high fives). Feel free to chat outside at least 6 feet apart.
  •  The back door and stairway are closed. Please enter through the main entrance or the wheel chair entrance.
  • Please use the hand sanitizer provided upon entering and exiting the building. 
  •  Seating in the sanctuary has been rearranged to properly adhere to social distancing protocols.  We encourage you to sit with your family (and/or bubble family) and maintain a 6ft-distance between other attendees. Ushers will be available to help you find seating, if necessary. 
  •  We are still encouraging you to give your offering online through e-transfer. However, there will be offering boxes available in the sanctuary and the debit machine in the lobby.
  • Washrooms will be opened for use 1 individual or family unit at a time and will be sanitized regularly throughout the morning. Please be sure to wash your hands well, and wait your turn in the hallway if necessary. The upstairs bathroom is for those with assesibility needs, seniors, or families with young children who require a change table.
  • Cleaning teams will be at work during the services and between services to ensure a safe and clean environment. Hand sanitizer will also be available. 


During this time, we are encouraging e-transfer for tithes and offerings. To send an e-transfer, set the recipient as The Ridge Church and send it to “giving@theridgechurch.ca”. Set password as “offering”. If you want your offering designated, write that in the messages section, otherwise it will go to the General Fund. Auto-deposit is turned on.

You can also use the debit machine in the lobby, or place your offering in the boxes located in the lobby and sanctuary.



A Message About Masks

GNB has announced that masks are now manditory for all public spaces, including churches. This means that, for the entire time you are inside the church, you must wear a mask (unless you have a medical condition that prohibits you from doing so).

Also following GNB guidelines, people who are using a mic will not be required to use a mask while they’re speaking or singing, but will put it back on once they’re off the stage. From GNB: “Masks are required inside all places of worship and faith gatherings. An exception is made for a performer or officiant who is performing activities that require vocalization (like talking or singing) at a faith gathering, wedding, funeral, etc.”


 Before attending church, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have TWO (2) of the following symptoms that are not related to a known pre-existing health condition (i.e., seasonal allergies)
  • Fever
  • Cough (or worsening cough)
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of sense of smell and taste
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle Pain
  • Headache
  • Fatigue/Exhaustion
  • In children, purple markings on fingers or toes


  • Have you been advised by Public Health, a health-care provider or a peace officer that you are currently required to self-isolate?


  • Are you waiting for a COVID-19 test or COVID-19 test results AND have been told you need to self-isolate?


  • Have you travelled outside of New Brunswick in the past 14 days (unless exempt from self-isolation)?


  • Has an individual in your household returned from outside of New Brunswick in the past 14 days for any reason, and now someone within the household has developed one or more symptoms of COVID-19 as listed above?

If you answered YES to any of these questions we strongly encourage you to attend Church Online this weekend.

This will be a new experience for all of us. Everyone is trying their best, so let’s be gracious with one another.

 We want to honour the regulations that have been given to us, and appreciate your understanding and flexibility.