Sunday, November 29, 2020
Service Video
The Sunday service video will be livestreamed on Wednesday evening at 7pm here and on our Facebook page.
Prayer List
Christmas Season Updates
This week, Dot sent out an great update about the Christmas season at our church. If you do not recieve our emails, contact us through the contact form on our website and we will add you. Here is what the email said:
“Hi Friends,
This year, it has been especially challenging to work around social distancing while keeping everyone safe. We appreciate that you have all been helpful in working with us here at The Ridge Church.
Normally, by now, planning would be well underway for Christmas services and other festive celebrations that accompany the celebration of the birth of our Saviour. This year, those plans are paused to see if there may be any changes in provincial directives regarding social gatherings. Our goal is to be cautious and to be responsible in what we do, as we provide a bright light for Jesus within our church family and in our communities.
Usually, The Ridge Church Christmas Eve Service is a sacred service which draws many folks from our surrounding communities. Please note and pass the word: there will be no IN-PERSON Christmas Eve service this year. There are other plans in the works and, if they work out, we will be sure to let you all know through an email or on The Ridge Church facebook page.
In the past, the church family has enjoyed being able to exchange Christmas greeting cards through our in-church delivery system. This year, it has been decided to forego the exchange of Christmas cards in this manner. The cards pass through too many hands for it to be a safe practice at this time. We know you understand and will support your leaders in this decision. We also hope you will pass this info along to others who may not get the church emails. No cards this year, except for those addressed to the pastors.
If anyone takes Christmas cards to the church, they will be asked to return them to their car. We ask that cards NOT be passed around inside the church.
If they are expecting them to be delivered, they will be disappointed as they will not be passed along. We understand this will be difficult for many of us as those greetings are a special tradition we have shared for many years.
In other years, we enjoyed a wonderful social gathering early in December when we would meet for the Pastors’ Christmas Party. This year, although there will be no party or gathering, you are welcome to leave cards for the Agrells or for the Genereauxs ~ in the provided basket which will be in the foyer during the month of December. [The pastors plan to leave the cards for several days before handling them.]
All these measures are put in place to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. As each of us does our part, we will be proud to be part of the solution.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during these times of caution. Your church leaders are doing everything they can to maintain our opportunity to worship together and we hope to not lose that privilege.
Please abide by the directives of our health department and other government authorities. Stay home as much as possible. Wash your hands thoroughly and often. Stay within your bubble. Wear a mask when you are going outside your bubble. Continue to social distance.
By taking these precautions, you will be protecting not only yourself and your loved ones, but also others and their loved ones.
Thank you and be safe.”
Last Sunday
In person: 71
Giving: $3591
Kids and Parents
Ridge Kids is back! If your child is going into Junior Kindergarten to going into Grade 5. The kids will be dismissed part way through the service to go downstairs.
Ridge Kids
To see the story video for both pre-teen and elementary, visit the 252 Studio page. They are posted on Monday morning. For additional content, please download the Parent Cue App.
Ridge Kids Service Link
Family Devotional (Elementary, Nov wk 5)
Family Devotional (Pre-teen, Nov wk 5)
During this time, we are encouraging e-transfer for tithes and offerings. To send an e-transfer, set the recipient as The Ridge Church and send it to “”. Set password as “offering”. If you want your offering designated, write that in the messages section, otherwise it will go to the General Fund. Auto-deposit is turned on.
You can also use the debit machine in the lobby, or place your offering in the boxes located in the lobby and sanctuary.
A Message About Masks
GNB has announced that masks are now manditory for all public spaces, including churches. This means that, for the entire time you are inside the church, you must wear a mask (unless you have a medical condition that prohibits you from doing so).
Also following GNB guidelines, people who are using a mic will not be required to use a mask while they’re speaking or singing, but will put it back on once they’re off the stage. From GNB: “Masks are required inside all places of worship and faith gatherings. An exception is made for a performer or officiant who is performing activities that require vocalization (like talking or singing) at a faith gathering, wedding, funeral, etc.”