Sunday, November 15, 2020
Service Video
The Sunday service video will be livestreamed on Wednesday evening at 7pm here and on our Facebook page.
Prayer List
New Prayer Ministry Begining!
The Ridge Church Prayer Team is ready to accept prayer requests. Just forward them to Marilyn Moore on Facebook Messenger, pass her a note or call 292 4776. All requests are kept confidential among team members but can be passed on to other small groups in our church if given permission. Some details may be helpful BUT not necessary. The requests will be added to our Facebook chat where all members will begin to pray. Stay tuned to our “Adopt a Teen” prayer program beginning November 1.
Heat Pumps Getting Installed!
Great news! The heat pumps are on their way. Our waiting paid off and we were approved for an NB Power rebate on the cost of the project. The plan is for everything to be installed on the week of November 16th. If you have any questions please feel free to contact pastor Mike. Thank you to all who give so generously!
Last Sunday
In person: 92
Giving: $3519
Kids and Parents
Ridge Kids is back! If your child is going into Junior Kindergarten to going into Grade 5. The kids will be dismissed part way through the service to go downstairs.
Ridge Kids
To see the story video for both pre-teen and elementary, visit the 252 Studio page. They are posted on Monday morning. For additional content, please download the Parent Cue App.
Family Devotional (Elementary, Nov wk 3)
Family Devotional (Pre-teen, Nov wk 3)
During this time, we are encouraging e-transfer for tithes and offerings. To send an e-transfer, set the recipient as The Ridge Church and send it to “”. Set password as “offering”. If you want your offering designated, write that in the messages section, otherwise it will go to the General Fund. Auto-deposit is turned on.
You can also use the debit machine in the lobby, or place your offering in the boxes located in the lobby and sanctuary.
A Message About Masks
GNB has announced that masks are now manditory for all public spaces, including churches. This means that, for the entire time you are inside the church, you must wear a mask (unless you have a medical condition that prohibits you from doing so).
Also following GNB guidelines, people who are using a mic will not be required to use a mask while they’re speaking or singing, but will put it back on once they’re off the stage. From GNB: “Masks are required inside all places of worship and faith gatherings. An exception is made for a performer or officiant who is performing activities that require vocalization (like talking or singing) at a faith gathering, wedding, funeral, etc.”