Sunday, July 12, 2020
Service Video
During this time, our services will premiere on Facebook and Youtube on Wednesdays at 7pm. The service will also be posted here once it is published.
During this time, we will be accepting e-transfer for tithes and offerings. To send an e-transfer, set the recipient as The Ridge Church and send it to “”. Set password as “offering”. If you want your offering designated, write that in the messages section, otherwise it will go to the General Fund. Auto-deposit is turned on.
You can also drop off your offering at the church or use the debit machine, Monday to Thursday, between 9am and noon. If this doesn’t work, call the church to make special arrangements.
Prayer List
Information for In Person Church
Here it is folks! Inside, in person church! Since GNB (the government of New Brunswick) removed the limit on numbers for in person church services, we’ve been working towards holding church at our facility on the ridge.
Inside church is going to be different this summer. One of the big challenges we have is that we still need to physically distance from anyone who you don’t interact with normally. So it’s going to be hard to fit everyone in the sanctuary.
Here’s the big ask: before Sunday morning get in touch with your family and friends buble and plan to meet up outside the church around 10-10:15. Once you’ve got your crew come inside and we’ll sit you together.
We have to leave a pew empty between each buble group. Thanks for bearing with us!
We’ve heard from some of you that you’re not ready to come to in-person gatherings yet and that’s totally okay. We’ll be posting video recordings of our services on Wednesdays at 7pm. ALSO, one option for you might be to come park or sit on the church lawn as we’ll be pumping the sound out there.
For now, we’re holding off on starting Ridge Kids back up. So bring your kids to the church service. We’ll keep it short and have an activity just for them each week until their program fires back up.
A few other things: we have TONS of hand sanitizer for you to use at the doors and around the facility, no bulletins will be passed out at this time, instead they will be online. On that page you can sign-up for the bulletin to be sent to your email every Sunday morning. Feel free to bring a face mask but they’re not required.
The upstairs bathroom is reserved for seniors, parents with kids in diapers, and people who need an accessible bathroom; the downstairs bathroom is open to anyone, but limited to one person at a time.
After each service we will be sanitizing all commonly touched surfaces. You can use the debit machine and offering boxes, but etransfer to is preferred.
Lastly, thank you for sticking with us at this time.
To some people these things might seem overboard and to others these precautions might not be enough. The challenge is to approach this with the attitude Paul had towards brothers and sisters in Christ. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
-P. Mike
In Person Youth has Begun!
Youth is running from 7-9pm every Thursday during the summer. Head over to The Ridge Youth Facebook group to learn about what is different during the summer. The Sixer Mixer is this week at Pastor Ryan and Marleigh’s house.
Viewers: 20
In person: 82
Giving: $5936
Kids and Parents
Now that we are meeting in person for church, we will be will be focusing our attention on making church fun for kids. Part of this includes a dedicated children’s moment, as well as activities for you to do as a family at home.
We will continue to post the family devotionals below as well as family activites each week.
For Nursery content, please download the Parent Cue App.
Ridge Kids
To see the story video for both pre-teen and elementary, visit the 252 Studio page. They are posted on Monday morning. For additional content, please download the Parent Cue App.
Family Devotional (Elementary, July wk 2)
Family Devotional (Pre-teen, July wk 2)