Sunday, June 21, 2020
Service Video
During this time, we will be accepting e-transfer for tithes and offerings. To send an e-transfer, set the recipient as The Ridge Church and send it to “”. Set password as “offering”. If you want your offering designated, write that in the messages section, otherwise it will go to the General Fund. Auto-deposit is turned on.
You can also drop off your offering at the church or use the debit machine, Monday to Thursday, between 9am and noon. If this doesn’t work, call the church to make special arrangements.
Prayer List
Info for the Drive-in Church Service
This is our first time doing this, so thank you for your patience as we figure out the new normal! Here’s some information you need to know for Sunday:
Please arrive to the church by 10:15 so we can park you on the lawn. You must stay in your car.
Financial Giving
In order to maintain a virus free environment inside our facility please give your donations by e-transfer or by stopping at the church during the week between 9am and noon. We are trying to avoid large numbers of people entering and exiting the church building in the same time period. Thanks for bearing with us on this.
Parking Requirements
At this time everyone should remain in their vehicles except for volunteers who have been asked to serve by a ministry leader
“There is no numerical limit to cars or a minimum distance between cars required for outdoor drive-in services.” -Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health GNB
People with accessibility issues to be parked on the driveway directly in front of the church
Bathroom and Facility Use
Everyone is asked to please avoid the need to use the bathroom in the church building but the upstairs bathrooms are open for emergencies.
Kid’s Activities
There will also be an activity package for the kids with a snack, plus the service has been designed for it to be engaging for kids, including a children’s moment, upbeat music, and engagements during the service.
Peak Online Viewers: 77
Giving: $3165
Kids and Parents
Preschool Experience (June 20/21) from Orange on Vimeo.
Ridge Kids
Kids Experience (June 20/21) from Orange on Vimeo.
Preteen Experience (June 20/21) from Orange on Vimeo.